Friday, July 13, 2007

CHA Release: Bisous

Suzanne has slide shows of all the new yummy goodness Bisous is releasing at CHA up on her blog. Take a look, and be sure to scroll down and see all of them. The colors are simply stunning, and the use of black and white, and all that wonderful notebook paper scattered's absolutely wonderful. The albums you could make in a flash with these papers!!

Bisous Blog

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Defining Moment

Here's a layout that was in the May issue of Creating Keepsakes, in their military-themed article. I have to give major props to April Peterson for her constructive criticism and guidance on this layout. She was a guiding force and it is one of my favorite layouts ever.


Welcome to my new blog! I've decided to keep my other blog for family, military, and general themes, and move my scrapbook topics over here to this new blog. I'll be uploading layouts, photographs and links, and if I ever get time to scrap, I have lots of techniques on my list of things to try and share.

We'll see how this works out! If it's too much of a pain to keep up multiple blogs, I'll just consolidate it into one again, but for now I'm giving it a try. :)